Why is My Amazon Affiliate Account Closed

Why is My Amazon Affiliate Account Closed?

If your Amazon Affiliate account gets shut down, don’t sweat it! I’m here to help with some easy advice on what to do next.

First up, I’ll tell you about some reasons why Amazon might close an account. It could be because their rules were broken, they thought something fishy was going on, or the account wasn’t kept up-to-date.

Knowing these reasons helps you avoid making the same mistakes and keeps your account safe.

If your account is already closed, here’s what you should do:

  1. Contact Amazon’s Affiliate Support team to find out why.
  2. Fix any problems that caused the closure.
  3. Ask Amazon to give your account another chance.

These steps can help you get back into the affiliate game.

I’ll also share tips to prevent your account from getting closed again. Stay on top of Amazon’s rules, be a fair marketer, follow the FTC’s rules, and keep your account busy.

And if you can’t get your account back or you want to try something different, I’ll talk about other ways to make money, like different affiliate programs or starting your own online shop.

This guide is for anyone in affiliate marketing who wants to know what to do if their Amazon Affiliate account is closed and how to keep it from happening again.

Ready? Let’s learn how to fix a closed account and avoid future closures!

Why Amazon Affiliate Accounts Get Closed

Having your Amazon Affiliate account closed can be upsetting if you’re an affiliate marketer.

It’s important to know why this happens so you can avoid it and fix any issues that might have caused the closure.

We’re going to look at the usual reasons Amazon Affiliate accounts are shut down and what can happen as a result.

Breaking Amazon’s Rules

Amazon has a bunch of rules to keep their affiliate program fair.

If you don’t follow these rules, your account could be closed. Here are some common mistakes:

  • False Advertising: If you make things up or exaggerate about a product to get sales, that’s a no-no. Amazon wants you to be honest so customers can trust what they’re buying.
  • Misusing Affiliate Links: You’re only allowed to put affiliate links on certain places like your website or blog. If you put them in emails or in an E-book, you could lose your account.
  • Biased Reviews: Amazon expects you to give fair reviews of products. If you only say good things to make money, or if your reviews aren’t honest, that could get you in trouble.

If you break these rules, not only could you lose your account, but you might also lose any money you’ve made, have trouble getting money out, and even face legal issues if it’s really serious.

Make sure you know Amazon’s rules to keep your account safe.

Suspicious Activity

Amazon watches for any cheating to keep their platform honest. If something looks off with your account, it could be shut down. Here’s what might look suspicious:

  • Hacking: If someone gets into your account without permission, whether they hack in, you share your password, or you use tools that Amazon doesn’t allow, your account could be at risk.
  • Fake Traffic or Sales: If it looks like you’re trying to trick the system with fake clicks or sales, like using bots or paying people to click, Amazon’s smart enough to notice and may close your account.
  • Weird Click Patterns: If you’re clicking on your own links a lot or getting others to do it, that’s considered click fraud. Amazon can spot this and might close your account to protect their program.

Getting caught in fraudulent activities can lead to big trouble, including legal action and ruining your reputation.

Stay honest and follow the rules to avoid these problems.

Not Staying Active or Meeting Requirements

It’s important to keep your Amazon Affiliate account active and meet their requirements. If you don’t, your account could be closed for:

  • Inactivity: If you don’t make any sales or earn commissions for a long time, Amazon might think your account isn’t useful anymore and close it.
  • Outdated Information: You have to keep your account details, like your website or contact info, current. If you don’t, that could be a reason for closing your account.

Make sure you keep selling and updating your account to stay in Amazon’s good graces.

What to Do If Your Amazon Affiliate Account Is Closed

Understanding the Closure of Your Account

If you find out that your Amazon Affiliate account is no longer active, it’s important to stay calm and figure out what happened.

This part will guide you through what to do if your account is closed and how you might be able to get it back.

First Steps to Handle a Closed Account

When you realize your account is closed, it might feel upsetting but try to keep your cool.

The first thing you should do is reach out to Amazon’s Affiliate Support team.

You can find their contact info on Amazon’s website, usually under the “Help” or “Contact Us” sections.

Closed account appeal

When you talk to them, be polite and give them all the details they need, like your account ID and email.

Explain the problem clearly but keep it brief.

Figuring Out Why Your Account Was Closed

It’s really important to understand why Amazon closed your account.

While you’re talking to the support team, ask them to explain the reasons for the closure. Then, check Amazon’s rules and guidelines to see if you accidentally broke any of them.

Knowing what went wrong will help you fix things and avoid making the same mistakes again.

Fixing Problems and Asking for Your Account Back

After you know why your account was closed, start fixing those problems. If you made mistakes with product information, go back and make sure everything you say about products is correct and truthful.

If you used your affiliate links in places you weren’t supposed to, take those links down and follow Amazon’s rules.

When you’re ready to ask Amazon to reopen your account, remember to stay friendly and professional.

Tell them you understand what you did wrong and that you’re committed to following their rules from now on.

Let them know you really want your account back and ask them to think about their decision again.

Wrapping Up

To sum it up, if your Amazon Affiliate account gets closed, act quickly.

Contact support, understand the problem, fix it, and ask for another chance.

Next, we’ll talk about how to keep your account safe and avoid closures in the future.

How to Keep Your Amazon Affiliate Account Open

Learn and Follow Amazon’s Rules

To keep your Amazon Affiliate account from being closed, it’s important to know and follow Amazon’s rules.

Make sure to check the terms of service regularly for any updates.

Pay special attention to the rules about promoting products, using affiliate links, and writing product reviews.

Review Amazon’s policies often to make sure your promotional activities are in line with their rules.

Staying informed helps you adjust your marketing strategies and stay compliant, lowering the risk of losing your account.

Stick to Affiliate Marketing Best Practices

Using best practices in affiliate marketing is key to keeping your Amazon Affiliate account in good standing.

These practices help you avoid account closure and also improve your audience’s experience, which can lead to more trust and sales.

Here are some important best practices:

Provide True Product Information

When you’re promoting products, always give true and clear information.

Don’t make false or over-the-top claims. Instead, talk about the real benefits and features of the products to help your audience make smart buying choices.

Make sure your information matches what’s on Amazon. Being accurate and honest builds trust and can lead to more sales.

Use Affiliate Links Correctly

Be careful to use affiliate links the right way, following Amazon’s guidelines.

Only put affiliate links on allowed places, like your website or blog. Don’t put them in emails, E-books, or other places Amazon doesn’t allow.

You also need to tell your audience about your affiliate links. Amazon wants you to follow the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rules for telling people about your affiliate relationship.

Be clear and obvious about it, so your audience knows you might get commissions from their purchases through your links.

Meet FTC Disclosure Rules

Meeting the FTC’s disclosure rules is very important for being open and keeping trust with your audience.

Clearly tell them about your affiliate relationship. You can do this by putting a disclosure statement at the top of blog posts or using noticeable banners on your site.

Disclosure is not just the right thing to do; it’s also the law.

If you don’t follow the FTC’s rules, you could have legal problems and hurt your reputation.

By following these rules, you protect your affiliate account and keep a trustworthy presence online.

Watch Your Account and Stay Active

Keep an eye on how your Amazon Affiliate account is doing and stay active.

Watch your sales, commissions, and other important information from Amazon. Check your account dashboard often to look for any changes or problems.

Make sure to keep your account information, like your website URL and contact details, up to date.

Keep your website or blog fresh with new and interesting content to attract visitors and make sales.

Being active shows your commitment to the Amazon Affiliate program and lowers the risk of your account being closed for not being used.


To avoid having your Amazon Affiliate account closed, you need to know Amazon’s rules, use best practices in affiliate marketing, follow the FTC’s disclosure rules, and keep an eye on your account.

By doing these things, you can keep a successful and rule-following Amazon Affiliate account.

In the next section, we’ll look at other options and things to think about if you can’t get your closed Amazon Affiliate account back.

Exploring Other Affiliate Programs

If your Amazon Affiliate account has been closed and you can’t get it back, or you’re just interested in trying something new, there are many other affiliate programs out there.

These programs are run by different companies and online stores, and they can offer you a fresh start.

Finding the Right Program for You

Amazon isn’t the only place with an affiliate program. There are lots of trustworthy ones available.

Looking into these can help you spread out your affiliate marketing and maybe even find a program that fits better with the topics or people you want to reach.

When you’re checking out new affiliate programs, make sure to look at how much money you can earn (the commission), what kinds of products they have, how they keep track of sales, and how they pay you.

You’ll want to pick well-known programs, that have good commissions, and give you the tools and help you need to do well in affiliate marketing.

If you switch from Amazon to a new affiliate program, remember to update your website or blog. Change the links and any ads you have so that everything works right and follows the rules of the new program.

Starting Your Own E-commerce Business

Maybe you’re ready to step up and be in charge of your own online business instead of just promoting other people’s products.

Opening your own online store lets you sell items directly to your customers.

Creating Your Own Online Store

By having your own e-commerce business, you get to create your own brand, choose exactly what products to sell, and give your customers the experience you want them to have.

You can focus on products that you really care about and that you know your audience will like, too.

To get your store going, you need to set up a website. You can do this on your own or use a well-known e-commerce service.

Think about your brand, write great descriptions for your products, and take awesome pictures.

You also need to get the word out using good marketing strategies to bring people to your store and get them to buy things.

Building Your Online Presence

Having a strong online presence is super important for your business.

Use social media, write content that people want to read, and make sure your site shows up in search engines (that’s SEO).

All of these things can help you connect with your audience, make them want to come back and bring new visitors to your online store.

Wrapping Up: Dealing with a Closed Amazon Affiliate Account

Understanding Account Closures

In this blog post, we’ve looked at why Amazon might close an affiliate account. If this happens to you, it’s important to know what you can do about it and how you can avoid it in the future.

Following Amazon’s Rules

One key thing to remember is to always follow Amazon’s rules and guidelines. This means being honest in your marketing, keeping an eye on how your account is doing, and making sure you’re not breaking any rules.

What to Do If Your Account is Closed

If you find your account closed, don’t panic. You can reach out to Amazon’s Affiliate Support team, fix any problems, and ask to have your account opened again.

Preventing Future Closures

To avoid having your account closed again, get to know Amazon’s policies well. Stick to good affiliate marketing habits and make sure you’re clear with your audience about your affiliate links, as required by the FTC.

Exploring Other Opportunities

If you can’t get your account back or you’re looking for something new, consider other affiliate programs or starting your own online store.

Keep Learning and Growing

Affiliate marketing is all about learning and getting better. Any setbacks are just chances to learn more. Keep improving your tactics and stay strong in the face of challenges.

Final Thoughts

Even though a closed Amazon Affiliate account can be a setback, it’s not the end of your marketing journey. By taking the right steps, sticking to good practices, and being open to other options, you can still succeed in affiliate marketing.

If you’re wondering why your Amazon Affiliate account got closed, you might want to check out what counts as a qualifying purchase.

Take a peek at our easy-to-understand guide on ‘What are Amazon Affiliate Qualifying Purchases?‘ to make sure you’re on the right track!

Newblogr.com participates in various affiliate programs. These affiliate programs are designed to provide a means for sites like Newblogr.com to earn fees by advertising and linking to their products and services at no extra cost.

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