Change Your Homepage Title Tag and Meta Description in WordPress

Change Your Homepage Title Tag and Meta Description in WordPress

As a blogger, having a clear and concise title tag and meta description is crucial for SEO and attracting visitors to your website.

In this blog post, we will show you how to change your homepage title tag and meta description in WordPress using two methods: through your WordPress admin dashboard and the Yoast SEO plugin.

Why Are Title Tags and Meta Descriptions Important?

Title tags and meta descriptions are essential for SEO because they help search engines understand what your website is about.

When your website appears in search engine results, the title tag and meta description are what users see first.

A clear and concise title tag and meta description can help users understand what your website is about and encourage them to click through to see it.

Example of a Poor Title Tag and Meta Description

A poor title tag and meta description might be too long, contain irrelevant information, or be unclear about what the website is about.

For example, a title tag that says “Hello World” and a meta description that is too long and cut off by Google won’t help your website.

Title Poor Tag and meta description

Example of a Good Title Tag and Meta Description

Excellent title tags and meta descriptions are clear, concise, and to the point.

For example, this is the title tag and meta description from Nomadic Matts Travel Site.

Title Good title tag and meta description

From this information, you know what his site is about.

He clearly states that you get budget travel tips to travel cheaper, better, and smarter.

How to Change Your Title Tag and Meta Description via Your WordPress Admin Dashboard

Go to your WordPress dashboard and hover your mouse over “Settings.” Then click “General.”

WordPress Dashboard

 Update your site’s title and tagline to reflect what you want your title tag and meta description to say.

Title tag and meta desciption

 Make sure to save your changes.

Save Changes

Once you have updated your title tag and meta description, wait a few days for Google to update.

Once Google is updated, your new information appears on search results.

How to Change Your Title Tag and Meta Description via the Yoast SEO Plugin

Install and activate the Yoast SEO plugin.

Install and activate Yoast

Hover your mouse over “Yoast SEO” and then click “Settings.”

Yoast SEO

Select “Homepage” from the menu.

Select Homepage

Update your SEO title and meta description to reflect what you want your title tag and meta description to say.

SEO Title and meta description

Make sure to save your changes.

Save Changes

Once you have updated your title tag and meta description, wait a few days for Google to update.

Once Google is updated, your new information appears on search results.

Yoast SEO will probably override anything entered via the WordPress dashboard.


To ensure you communicate your website content clearly, update your homepage title tag and meta description in WordPress.

This essential information impacts how users perceive your website.

Follow the steps outlined in this blog post to easily update your title tag and meta description and improve your website’s visibility on search results.

Need Help With Your Website?

With over four years of experience using WordPress, I can help you solve issues you may have.

My experience includes creating websites using WordPress, hosting, domains, DNS, SSL, Google Cloud, CloudFlare CDN, and site migrations.

Feel free to contact me via email at [email protected], use this contact form, or message me on the Line application.

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