business website

What Happened to My Google Business Website?

Imagine this: you have spent months, maybe years, building your online presence through a Google Business Profile website.

It is where your customers find your contact details, read reviews, and learn about your services.

Then, one day, you log in to update your business hours only to find a notification from Google stating that your free Google Business Profile website will be discontinued starting March 2024.

Panic sets in as you wonder, “What happened to my Google Business website?”

This scenario is becoming a reality for many local business owners.

As Google aims to improve the overall user experience, it has decided to phase out these free websites.

While this change might seem overwhelming, it also opens up new opportunities for creating an even more robust online presence.

This article explores what this change means for your business and how you can smoothly transition to a new website platform, ensuring you maintain and enhance your online visibility.

Overview of the Change

Google is discontinuing its free Google Business Profile websites starting in March 2024, with all redirects ending by June 10, 2024.

This news means businesses using the domain must find new solutions for their online presence.


The shutdown process will begin in March 2024.

From that point, your Google Business Profile website will redirect to your Google Business Profile listing.

By June 10, 2024, all redirects will cease, leading to potential “page not found” errors if you take no action.


Businesses that have relied solely on Google Business Profile websites will need to act quickly to prevent disruptions in their online presence.

This includes businesses that have optimized their domain for local SEO.

Reason for Change

Google’s decision to phase out these free websites is part of a broader strategy to enhance the user experience.

By discontinuing these sites, Google aims to encourage businesses to use more comprehensive and customizable website platforms.

Questions To Consider

  • How reliant is your business on a Google Business Profile website? Reflect on the importance of this platform for your customer interactions and lead generation. Assess the potential impact on your business if this online presence were to disappear overnight.
  • What immediate steps should you take to prepare? Consider creating a checklist of actions, such as researching alternative website platforms, notifying your customers, and ensuring a smooth transition without losing valuable search engine rankings.

In a world where digital presence can make or break a business, preparing for them is crucial.

The transition may seem daunting, but with the right approach, you can turn this challenge into an opportunity to enhance your online presence and grow your business.

Impact on Local Businesses

With Google discontinuing its free Google Business Profile websites, local businesses must act swiftly to avoid losing their online presence.

This section highlights the steps to mitigate the impact and ensure a seamless transition.

Website Redirection

From March 2024 until June 10, 2024, Google will temporarily redirect your Google Business Profile website to your Google Business Profile listing.

This interim measure gives businesses time to set up a new website without losing visibility.

However, after June 10, 2024, these redirects will cease, and visitors may encounter “page not found” errors if you have not established a new website.

Consequences of Inaction

Failing to transition to a new website platform can have several negative outcomes:

  • Loss of Traffic: Visitors trying to access your business website may encounter errors, leading to frustration and potential loss of customers.
  • SEO Impact: Your search engine rankings may drop if you do not replace your website, affecting your visibility and discoverability online.
  • Customer Trust: A non-functional website can damage your credibility and the trust customers have in your business.

Questions To Consider

  • Have you identified alternative platforms for your business website? It’s crucial to explore different website builders and hosting services. Consider factors such as ease of use, customization options, SEO capabilities, and cost.
  • Are you prepared to inform your customers about this transition? Developing a communication strategy to inform your customers about the change is essential. This can include announcements on social media, email newsletters, and updates on your Google Business Profile listing.

The immediate steps you take to address this change will determine how smoothly your business transitions to a new website platform.

Proactively preparing and informing your customers can help maintain your online presence and continue driving traffic and engagement.

Alternative Platforms

As Google phases out its free Google Business Profile websites, local business owners must find new platforms to host their websites.

This section will explore various website builders, detailing their features and benefits, and provide a step-by-step guide to transition smoothly to a new platform.

Website Builders

Several reputable website builders can help you create a professional and functional business website.

Here are a few recommended platforms:


Known for its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, Wix offers a variety of customizable templates and an array of apps to enhance functionality.


Ideal for businesses focused on design, Squarespace provides elegant templates, robust blogging capabilities, and integrated e-commerce features.


Versatile and customizable, WordPress offers thousands of plugins and themes, making it suitable for businesses with more specific needs or those who prefer a DIY approach.

Features and Benefits

Custom Domains

Unlike the generic URLs provided by Google Business Profile websites, these platforms allow you to use custom domains, making your web address more professional and easy to remember.

Enhanced Design Options

These platforms offer extensive design flexibility with many templates and customization tools to ensure your website reflects your brand identity.

Better SEO Tools

Advanced SEO tools help improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find your business online.

Steps to Transition

Choose a Platform

Select the most suitable website builder based on your business needs and budget.

Register a Domain

If you don’t already have one, purchase a custom domain that aligns with your business name.

Set Up the Website

Use the chosen platform’s tools to create your website.

Choose a template, customize the design, and add necessary content such as business information, services, and contact details.

Transfer Content

Migrate existing content from your Google Business Profile website to your new site.

This includes text, images, and any other relevant information.

Optimize for SEO

Utilize the platform’s SEO tools to optimize your site, ensuring all meta tags, descriptions, and keywords are set up.

Publish and Promote

Once the site is ready, publish it and update all your business listings, social media profiles, and marketing materials with the new web address.

Questions To Consider

  • Which website builder suits your business needs best? Consider factors such as ease of use, customization options, cost, and the specific features most important for your business.
  • What features are most important for your new website? Determine whether you need advanced e-commerce capabilities, blogging tools, high customization, or specific SEO features, and choose a platform accordingly.

Transitioning to a new website platform might seem daunting, but with careful planning and consideration of your business needs, you can create a professional online presence that continues to attract and engage customers.

Updating Your Online Presence

Ensuring consistency across all online platforms is crucial after transitioning to a new website.

This section will cover updating your Google Business Profile, synchronizing information across social media and other platforms, and effectively communicating changes to your customers.

Updating Google Business Profile

After setting up your new website, update your Google Business Profile with the new URL.

This ensures potential customers can find your updated site directly from Google searches. Log into your Google Business Profile.

Navigate to the info section and click on the website field.

Enter your new website URL and save the changes.

Social Media and Other Platforms

Ensure you update all your social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) with your new website link and any changes in business information.

Update your bio or contact information sections on each platform.

Post announcements to inform your followers about the new website.

Communicating Changes to Customers

Email Newsletters

Send an email to your customer list informing them of the new website. Highlight any new features or improvements that they can expect.

Social Media Announcements

Use social media platforms to announce the new website. Consider creating a series of posts leading up to the launch to build anticipation.

Questions To Consider

  • How will you ensure your new website link is updated everywhere? Create a checklist of all platforms where your business information appears and systematically update each one.
  • What strategies will you use to notify your customers? Utilize a combination of email newsletters, social media announcements, and direct communication to ensure all customers are aware of the new website.


In this article, we discussed the recent decision by Google to remove free Google Business websites created through Google Business Profile.

This change has significant implications for local businesses that rely on these free websites for their online presence.

We explored the immediate impact on businesses, the necessity of quick action to avoid disruptions, and the various alternative platforms available for creating new websites.

Additionally, we emphasized the importance of updating your online presence across all platforms and effectively communicating these changes to your customers to maintain trust and engagement.

Local business owners should take steps to set up a new website and update their profiles across all platforms.

Acting fast is crucial to maintaining your online presence and avoiding “page not found” errors that could deter potential customers.

Evaluate the different website builders and choose the one that best suits your business needs, ensuring that all your business details are accurate and consistent across various online profiles.

While the transition from Google Business websites may seem challenging, it also presents an opportunity to grow.

A new, well-designed website can attract more customers, enhance your business’s credibility, and improve overall performance.

This is a chance to refresh your online presence with modern design and better SEO tools, leading to increased visibility and engagement.

Remember, investing time and effort into creating a robust and professional online presence now will yield long-term rewards, helping your business thrive in today’s competitive digital landscape.

Given the sudden removal of free Google Business Websites, transitioning to a new platform can be daunting.

That’s where we come in—let us help you transition smoothly and set up a new website to maintain your online presence.

About NewBlogr Digital

At NewBlogr Digital, we specialize in assisting local businesses to transition and enhance their online presence.

I am deeply committed to helping businesses navigate the recent changes in Google Business Profiles and ensuring they continue to drive traffic and visibility.

My enthusiasm for digital marketing drives my commitment to supporting businesses through these recent changes and ensuring their success.

We offer comprehensive services including transitioning your website from Google Business Profile, local SEO, keyword research, and content creation, ensuring your business continues to stand out.

Let us help you maintain your online presence and ensure your business growth during this transition.

Are you ready to transition from your Google Business Website and maintain your business’s online presence?

Key Benefits of Our Service

Increased Visibility

By transitioning your Google Business Website, we ensure your business remains visible in local searches, attracting more potential customers.

Enhanced Credibility

A well-maintained new website builds trust with your audience, showcasing your business as a reliable and professional choice.

Boosted Engagement

Our services ensure customer interaction through a seamless transition, updated information, and engaging content, leading to higher conversion rates and customer loyalty.

Getting Started with NewBlogr Digital

1. Contact Us

Contact us through our contact page to discuss your website transition needs. We’ll provide a free initial consultation to understand how we can help.

2. Profile Audit and Proposal

We review your current Google Business Website, then present a tailored plan to transition and enhance your visibility.

3. Implementation and Support

Once you approve the plan, our team will get to work on transitioning your website. We also provide ongoing support and updates to ensure sustained growth and engagement.

What We Offer to Elevate Your Business

  • Google Business Profile Optimization
    Enhance your profile to rank higher in local search results.
  • Local SEO Strategies
    Implement targeted SEO techniques to boost local search visibility.
  • Keyword Research
    Identify and utilize the most effective keywords for your business.
  • Content Creation
    Develop engaging content that attracts and retains customers.
  • Review Management
    Monitor and respond to customer reviews to build trust.
  • Profile Monitoring
    Regularly update and maintain your Google Business Profile.
  • Competitor Analysis
    Analyze competitors to stay ahead in the market.
  • Analytics Reporting
    Provide detailed reports on performance metrics.
  • Customer Support
    Offer ongoing support to address any issues or updates.
  • Customized Strategies
    Tailor our services to meet your specific business needs.

Are You Ready To Get Started?


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